Hotel VERT / Crowne Plaza/ 5*****Mrtvé moře


Crowne Plaza Dead Sea stojí na soukromém úseku pláže ve městě Ein Bokek, v blízkosti se nalézá golf. K dalším zajímavostem v oblasti patří Národní park MasadaMuzeum uměleckého sklářství Arad.

Charakter hotelu
Uvolněte se a myslete jen na své opálení, vyzkoušejte plážové slunečníky a plážová lehátka. Crowne Plaza Dead Sea vás bude rozmazlovat, k dispozici jsou vám lázeňské služby v plném rozsahu nebo venkovní bazén a krytý bazén.

Hotel v přepychovém stylu nabízí tyto možnosti stravování: 3 restaurace. Bezdrátové vysokorychlostnípřipojení k internetu lze zdarma využívat ve veřejných prostorách hotelu a v hotelu je k dispozici také počítačová stanice. 5hvězdičk. hotel dále nabízí: dětský klub (zdarma),bazén pro děti a fitness centrum. Vlastní parkování zdarma.

K vybavení 303 klimatizovaných pokojů s luxusní koupelnou.V zařízení Crowne Plaza Dead Sea patří mimo jiné vestavěný trezor a kávovar/čajovar. Na pokoji mohou hosté využít vysokorychlostní (bezdrátové) připojení k internetu zdarma. Na pokojích je televize s touto nabídkou: satelitní kanály aDVD přehrávač. K vybavení koupelny patří vana a vysoušeč vlasů. Každý den se provádí stlaní postelí a denně také úklid pokojů.

-používání lázní je bezplatné

-po příjezdu do hotelu dostane každý host košík ovoce a župan bezplatně

-denně po večeři dostane každý host sklenici vína bezplatně

-bezplatné je využívání business centra,fax,internet,e-mail,knihovny

Termíny a ceny ubytování( v Kč/1 noc ):

termín: počet nocí dospělý ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji jednolůžkový pokoj dospělý ve třílůžkovém pokoje dítě
sezóna 2024



7 a více 4.142,- 7.428,- 3.964,- 2.250,-



7 a více 4.571,- 8.107,- 4.321,- 2.250,-
sezona 2024


7 a více 4..821,- 8.785,- 4.642,- 2.250,-
sezona 2024

Izraelské svátky Succoth

16.10.-23.10.2024 7a více 7.857,- 14.142,- 7.357,- 4.072,-

Konečná cena ubytování platná od 7 nocí a více zahrnuje:

  • dopravu: letiště Tel Aviv – hotel a zpět
  • ubytování v hotelu s polopenzí – švédské stoly
  • asistenci zahraničního partnera v letovisku Ein Bokek – Mrtvé moře (anglicky a rusky hovořící)
  • bezplatná vstupní lékařská prohlídka na klinice u našeho smluvního partnera (na vyžádání)

Cena nezahrnuje:

  • letenku: Praha – Tel Aviv a zpět  (včetně všech letištních poplatků) , kterou zajistíme na přání samostatně u vybrané letecké společnosti
  • příplatek za pokoj Deluxe s balkonem-cena 480,Kč/1noc
  • pojištění léčebných výloh
  • poznávací výlety/Jeruzalém,Betlem,Masada,Petra…/zajistíme na vyžádání
  • Plná penze-příplatek na osobu a den 682,-Kč
  • Pokoj s balkonem-příplatek 510,-Kč na osobu a den

Dětská cena:

  • dítě ve věku 2-18 let ubytované s jedním dospělým na pokoji platí stejnou cenu jako  dospělá osoba ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji
  • .

Individuální  termíny:  cenovou nabídku Vám rádi zajistíme na vyžádání. Kontaktujte nás ! kontakty

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e prodotti che lo contengono. Che l’amianto fosse pericoloso si sapeva almeno dal 1965, anno di pubblicazione degli atti della conferenza della New York Academy of Sciences sui suoi effetti biologici. Ed è dal 1976 che l’Agenzia internazionale per le ricerche sul cancro di Lione attesta che „tutti i tipi di amianto sono cancerogeni, e qualunque livello di esposizione nocivo“. Affermazione che neanche oggi viene presa per buona: ai fini pensionistici, l’amianto è pericoloso solo se un centimetro cubico d’aria contiene 0,1 fibre (100 fibre/litro). E se è stato respirato otto ore al giorno per dieci anni. In Italia esiste un documento trovato negli uffici della miniera di Balangero e conservato negli Archivi di Stato di Torino, che prova un accordo per rallentare i tempi legislativi. E‘ il resoconto di una riunione informale tenuta il 17 novembre 1977 78 (questa la data ipotizzata dalla ricostruzione) all’Assocemento di Roma. Secondo gli appunti, Angellotti,
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give me pause; Sjax, T Rich, CJ2K and MoJo are better left for other owners if

you ask me. I’d pull a top WR before one of these 4, even Larry Fitzgerald since

I am all in on his connection with Palmer this year. You can’t go wrong with any WR in this round or Jimmy Graham.wait a little while Kareem Deone Bucannon jersey Martin jersey longer on a player. Authenitc Youth Chandler Catanzarojersey I will share these insights with youRound 1 After Authenitc Youth Frostee Rucker jersey AP. Frostee Rucker jersey Mens Bobby Massie jersey Mens Deone Bucannon jersey Mens Chandler Catanzarojersey Authenitc John Abraham jersey Every mock draft has Elite Kids Frostee Rucker jersey a different John Abraham jersey order for the remaining

picks in round one. I believe that Doug Martin is the safest choice Elite red Bobby Massie jersey Elite red Deone Bucannon jersey out of this

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injuries with your number 1 pick can be a real killer. Steven Ridley is a

questionable number Elite red John Abraham jersey 1 since he has no real track record Womens Chandler Catanzarojersey and Shane Vereen could

easily slide into a co number 1 back role. Elite red Deone Bucannon Elite Youth Bobby Massie jersey jersey I don’t like Rodgers this high. Too many injuries at WR and a bad

OL have me concerned with his production this year. IF I want to go QB early,

Brees is easily my first choice off the board. If I don’t get Brees, I look down

a round or two for Matt Ryan. All RBs in this round with a shortened nickname

give me pause; Sjax, T Rich, CJ2K and MoJo are better left for other owners if

you ask me. I’d pull a top WR before one of these 4, even Larry Fitzgerald since

I am all in on his connection with Palmer this year. You can’t go wrong with any WR in this round or Jimmy Graham.

With the extension of Youth Mens Kids John Abraham jersey Frostee Elite Kids Chandler Catanzarojersey Rucker jersey John Abraham jersey the NFL Sunday Ticket, DirecTV (DTV) is all but assured to finalize the merger with AT (NYSE:T) for $95. Sure regulatory issues exist, but the limited overlap on pay Authenitc Bobby Massie jersey TV customers shouldn’t Authenitc Kids Chandler Catanzarojersey pose a large threat to closing the deal. The real question Elite Womens Bobby Massie jersey is whether waiting around for the closing of the deal in early 2015 to collect $95 is worth it for a stock trading around $87.35.

NFL Sunday TicketThe company announced today the Elite Womens Bobby Massie jersey long expected extension of the rights to carry the NFL Sunday Ticket. AT made the obtaining of these rights as part of the conditions for closing on the merger. Mens Jonathan Cooper jersey The deal with the NFL is intriguing as Mens Bobby Massie jersey it extends the exclusive rights from not only carrying Kids John Abraham jersey the Sunday afternoon out of market games on TV, but also the streaming Elite Kids John Abraham jersey rights to mobile devices Elite red Frostee Rucker jersey Authenitc Womens Deone Bucannon jersey and broadband.

Media outlets are now suggesting that DirecTV is paying roughly $1.5 billion annually to secure the 8 year deal. The amount is an increase from the roughly $1 billion per year paid in the previous deal. Other reports suggest the price tag is closer to $1.3 billion and includes a roughly 6% increase per annum. The stock portion has important collars that limit the stock movement especially considering AT is a low beta stock. DirecTV shareholders will receive 1.905 AT shares if the stock price is below $34.90 at closing and 1.724 AT shares if the price is above $38.58 Mens Frostee Rucker jersey at closing. A price in between those levels gets the shareholders the $66.50 per share.

With AT trading around the Mens Frostee Rucker jersey low end of the collar, the stock isn’t likely to see enough upside by the time of closing in early 2015. Authenitc Kids John Elite Kids Chandler Catanzarojersey Abraham jersey The only risk is probably a slight possibility to the downside. The 2 year chart below showcases how the stock has remained in a very tight range during that time period.

(click to enlarge)

Assuming the Womens Frostee Rucker jersey deal completes on April 1, or roughly six months from now, and the stock Mens Frostee Rucker jersey of AT remains in the collar range, the gain for a DirecTV shareholder is around 8%. The annual gain would be equivalent to a 16% return.

TakeawayAn investor holding onto DirecTV probably needs to be slightly bullish on the ability of AT to survive the current pricing wars in the domestic wireless market. AT isn’t likely to soar over the $38.58 high end collar price to provide upside to the $95 target. At roughly 2 shares of AT for each DirecTV share, a drop of roughly $4 in the price of AT leaves shareholders at a breakeven level. Considering the volatile stock market and low interest rates, DirecTV appears a solid investment where the downside is breakeven and the upside is around 16% annualized.With the extension of the NFL Sunday Ticket, DirecTV (DTV) is all but assured to finalize the merger with AT (NYSE:T) for $95. Sure regulatory issues exist, but the limited overlap on pay TV customers shouldn’t pose a large threat to closing the deal. Jonathan Cooper jersey The real question is whether waiting around for the closing of the deal in early 2015 to collect Elite Mens Frostee Rucker jersey $95 is worth it for a stock trading around $87.35.

NFL Sunday TicketThe company announced today Elite Youth Bobby Massie jersey the long expected extension of the rights to carry the NFL Sunday Ticket. AT made the obtaining Elite Kids Bobby Massie jersey of these rights as part of the conditions for closing on the merger. The Womens Deone Bucannon jersey deal with the Elite red Deone Bucannon jersey NFL is intriguing as it extends the exclusive rights from not only carrying the Sunday afternoon Elite red Bobby Massie jersey out of market games on TV, but also the streaming rights to mobile devices and broadband.

Media outlets Authenitc Kids John Abraham jersey are now suggesting that DirecTV is paying roughly $1.5 billion annually to secure the 8 year deal. The amount is an increase from the roughly $1 billion per year paid in the previous deal. Other reports suggest the price tag is closer to $1.3 billion and includes a roughly 6% increase per annum. The stock portion has important collars that limit the stock John Abraham jersey movement especially considering AT is a low Authenitc Mens Chandler Catanzarojersey Frostee Rucker jersey beta stock. DirecTV Chandler Catanzarojersey shareholders will receive 1.905 AT Youth Jonathan Cooper jersey shares if the stock price is below $34.90 at closing and 1.724 AT shares if the price is above $38.58 at closing. Kids Chandler Catanzaro jersey Elite Bobby Massie Kids Jonathan Cooper jersey jersey A price in between those levels gets the shareholders the $66.50 per share.

With AT trading around the low end of the collar, the stock isn’t likely to see enough upside by the time of closing in early 2015. The only risk is probably a slight possibility to the downside. The 2 year chart below showcases how the stock has remained in a very tight range during that time period.

(click to enlarge)

Assuming the deal completes on April 1, or roughly six months from now, and the stock of AT Elite Kids Frostee Rucker jersey remains in the collar range, the gain Frostee Rucker jersey for a DirecTV shareholder is around 8%. The annual gain would be equivalent to a 16% return.

TakeawayAn investor holding onto DirecTV Elite Kids John Abraham jersey probably needs to be slightly bullish Authenitc Mens Deone Bucannon jersey on the ability of AT to survive the current pricing wars in the domestic wireless market. AT isn’t likely to soar over the $38.58 high end collar price to provide upside to the $95 target. At roughly 2 shares of AT for each DirecTV share, a drop of roughly $4 in the price of AT leaves shareholders at a breakeven level. Considering the volatile stock market and low interest rates, DirecTV appears a solid investment where the downside is breakeven and the upside is around 16% annualized.

this Elite Dennis Wideman Jersey benefit, then neither should sports Authenitc White Devin Setoguchi Jersey leagues. It’s wrong for the tax code to Kid TJ Brodie Jersey Authenitc Red Dennis Wideman Jersey give one venture an unfair advantage over others. I recently introduced Men Mason Raymond Jersey the PRO Sports Act, which would Authenitc White Devin Setoguchi Jersey amend the tax code to prohibit professional sports organizations with annual revenues Women Mason Raymond Jersey over $10 million from enjoying the same tax exempt status as industry trade associations and public interest groups. Some of the other leagues that would be affected include the Kid Jarome Iginla Jersey Professional Golfers Association Tour, the National Hockey League and Kid Brandon Bollig Jersey the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. While the savings generated by ending this tax earmark ($109 million) aren’t going to end Elite Red Brandon Bollig Jersey the deficit overnight, the way to make progress is to end one tax earmark at a time. The NFL isn’t the problem, but Congress is. For years, politicians in Washington Authenitc Mason Raymond Jersey have argued they’re capable of Kid Miikka Kiprusoff Jersey picking winners Elite White Jarome Authenitc Red TJ Brodie Jersey Iginla Jersey and losers in an increasingly complex and competitive free market. What we’ve seen as a result of Washington’s Authenitc White Miikka Kiprusoff Jersey conceit is a stagnant economy
As A new subscriber of DirecTV I was very excited for the NFL Football Season to begin. I have the opportunity to Authenitc White Dennis Wideman Jersey watch every football game available and can track my Fantasy Football team Players live. My Elite TJ Brodie Jersey question now is with the emergence of the NFL Network’s Red Zone Channel Do I really have the need to watch every football game or just the highlights? Let’s compare these options. Let’s take a look at fans of out of market teams. As Authenitc Red Jarome Iginla Jersey I live in New England the local team here is the New England Patriots. I am aware I am in the minority. The Saints will be televised between 5 and 7 times nationally this year in addition to when they play New England, which will be broadcast locally. This leaves approximately 9 games. Authenitc White Mason Raymond Jersey So as a fan of a Team not designated in my area I would lean towards the NFL Network in this scenario. Now let’s take a look at tracking your Fantasy Football Authenitc White Miikka Kiprusoff Jersey Team. Last year as Sundays Games developed I found myself online in front of the computer receiving updates through

Shaun Phillips suffered a strained groin against Denver. The Dallas Cowboys D took a hit when Roy Williams went out with a fractured forearm and could miss 3 4 weeks. On the offensive side, there were multiple Kid Pierre Turgeon Jersey insignificant losses to non performers this past week; KC lost another QB, Minny had a QB benched, and Laurence Maroney and Justin Fargas were lost to injuries. Nonetheless, Authentic White Tyler Ennis Jersey there are a few players to look for on the waiver wire. Darren Sproles is not listed as Elite Blue Ryan Oreilly Jersey he should have been on a team in Authentic Gold Tyler Ennis Jersey every league or your league is too small or too stupid to count. O (SF): O has benefitted from facing some weak defenses Elite Gold Evander Kane Jersey this year (Arizona and Seattle), but gets Authentic Gold Youth Matt Moulson Jersey Evander Kane Jersey Detroit this week and New Orleans next week, so he is a good choice over, gulp, Carson Palmer and Derek Anderson, Men Evander Kane Jersey to name a few. RB Brandon Jackson (GB): Appeared to be the feature Men Matt Moulson Jersey back in 2007 with Ahman Green departure, but ineffectiveness and injury opened the door for Ryan Grant. Right now, the favor could be returned. He got more
With the New England Patriots‘ „deflate gate“ saga unfolding, the reactions have been swift and varied. Some pundits have called the Patriots cheaters, worthy of the team being disqualified from the Super Bowl or their coach being fired. But others have dismissed the apparent tampering of footballs as mere gamesmanship. Big league pitchers have been doctoring baseballs for decades some with foreign substances, Authentic Zemgus Girgensons Jersey others with nail files. Even team employees have gotten into the act: In 2003, a former superintendent at the Metrodome Elite Ryan Oreilly Jersey admitted that he manipulated the ventilation system in a bid to get baseballs to carry farther. The history of scuffing balls isn’t confined to American sports. Cricket has a long tradition of ball tampering Elite Blue Derek Roy Jersey and allegations of illegal ball switching have even been leveled Authentic White Zemgus Girgensons Jersey against the English rugby team. But American football has its own unique history of incidents straddling the line of cheating and gamesmanship. From suspicious grounds crew activity to
can’t possibly inflict the type of bodily damage that you can Authentic Blue Tyler Ennis Jersey in football when you’re in the armour,“ says Frank Deford. He believes that if American football players wore pads Kid Derek Roy Jersey that more closely resembled rugby gear, there Elite Gold Ryan Oreilly Jersey might me fewer injuries. The current state of professional football means Authentic White Pierre Youth Evander Kane Jersey Turgeon Jersey that the violence is more impressive to watch and has more long lasting consequences. „We have a better idea of how the story ends now,“ says Will Leitch, a contributing editor at New York Magazine. In each case, the arguments are similar: the hits are getting bigger and harder, and the evidence we have about the long term effect on player’s brains are getting harder to ignore. „We’re creating, essentially, Kid Ryan Oreilly Jersey missiles of people’s bodies banging into each Authentic Blue Evander Kane Jersey other in the most dramatic ways. We haven’t seen the people with 300lb (136kg) bodies who can run the 40 yard dash in 4.6 seconds,“ says Camosy. „That kind of force has never existed in the human body before.“ Mounting
15, 1967. There was a contract between the two league’s that they would play in an AFL NFL Championship Game until the merger completion, Each league became a „conference“ after the merger of the two leagues in 1970 and the game was played between the conference champions. The name Super Bowl was coined by Lamar Hunt, the former owner of the Kansas City Chiefs and a founding member of the American Football League. He named it after watching his children playing with a Super Ball. Each game in Super Ball is identified with Roman numerals rather than the year in which it take place. In 1967, Super Bowl I was performed to resolve the champions of the 1966 regular season where as Super Bowl XLIV will be played to decide the 2009 regular season champion in 2010. The Dallas Cowboys are honored to appear in the greatest number of Super Bowls of about eight times. It is Pittsburgh Steelers teams which won more Super Bowls than any others. They credit six victories in their graph. Of the

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